Woodward Strip Women

Woodward Strip WomenA memoir by Colin Campbell      After I quit the copywriter job at the Sears advertising department, my girlfriend Rhonda and I lived in a nudist commune on an island in Lake Orion. She’d been a copywriter at Sears, too, a beautiful recent college graduate with an IQ of 162.      She and […]

My First Writing Job

My First Writing Joba memoir by Colin Campbell      In late August 1967, I was reduced to living in my broken-down Buick Special at the site of a farmhouse in rural Michigan that had burned down and was now a secluded Lover’s Lane. I was 20 years old.      It was the summer of the […]

The Technology of Text

The Technology of Textan essay by Colin Campbell      Back when history began, writing was a secret for a small inner circle of kings and priests and tax collectors. Then a sudden technological advance let ordinary people convert text into audible speech.       It was 2,700 years ago, and Greece was just another grubby little […]

Free-Range Ferals

Free-Range Ferals by Colin Campbell ​It didn’t occur to me that my childhood life was unusual, not until later in life when I discovered that hardly anybody else’s mother was a motorcycle club mama.​When she married one of the young gang members, she didn’t tell him the marriage would trigger the sale of the house […]

Biker Mama

Biker Mama a memoir by Colin Campbell      Three weeks after I turned 14, my mother married a guy who was 21. Pete. She told me all about it. His parents were against it. She tried to dissuade him. “I could never marry a Catholic,” she told Pete when he proposed. They were parked at […]


Moire A short story (5,675 words) by Colin  Campbell      Jacob Voz met Moire when he delivered another iteration of a superconductive boat motor to the Marine Science Institute. He opened the door into the lab and saw a woman in a fluorescent orange bikini sitting at a workbench full of electronics equipment. She looked […]

Slingship Sam, Chapter 8: In The Cooler

Slingship Sam, Chapter 8: In the Cooler   Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8      They tased Sam again and half-carried him through the maze of re-purposed containers to a bare empty container, 8 feet wide, 8 feet high, 40 feet long. An empty […]

7. Entering the Dome

Slingship Sam, Chapter 7: Entering the dome Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8      Gravity inside the airlock slammed him to the floor. He was still paralyzed from the taser but still fully conscious. Must be corium plating in the floor. Felt like about […]

SlingSam 1.6

Slingship Sam chapter 6 Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7      “Good morning, Sam, it’s time for you to get up. We will return to periapsis in thirty five minutes.”      There’s no morning in space, just a clock setting. Astronauts in the old Space Station […]

SlingSam 1.5

Slingship Sam chapter 5 Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7      Sam woke in darkness. His head hurt. He was floating in zero gravity, and that was not good. The interior of the spaceship was dark, lit only by the stars and the dim reflection from […]