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I asked ChatGPT, “What is the public perception of what a copywriter does?”

Public perception of what a copywriter does often varies and can be influenced by the industry, media, and how individuals come into contact with the profession. Here are some common perceptions:

1. Wordsmith or Slogan Creator: Many people think of copywriters primarily as creators of catchy slogans, taglines, or jingles. This perception often comes from seeing advertisements where concise, impactful language is key.

2. Marketing and Salesperson: Some view copywriters as being closely tied to marketing and sales. They’re seen as the ones who craft persuasive messages that convince people to buy products or services.

3. Content Writer Confusion: A large portion of the public may not differentiate between copywriters and content writers. They may think copywriters write blogs, articles, or web content in addition to ad copy, leading to some confusion.

4. Creative but Secondary: In some cases, people see copywriters as important but secondary to designers or visual artists. The words are thought of as an afterthought to visuals, rather than an integral part of the message.

5. “Mad Men” Influence: The popular image of advertising executives from shows like Mad Men often romanticizes or distorts the role, portraying copywriters as involved in glamorous brainstorming sessions with high-powered clients.

6. Underappreciated: Some may not fully understand the value a copywriter brings, thinking anyone can write copy, thereby underestimating the strategic thinking and craft behind effective writing.