Copywriting for tech innovators

If you’ve created something new and you want to tell the world about it, I can help.

I’m a creative consultant for technical marketing.
I’ve been a copywriter for new products, new technology, and new companies in industries from aerospace to the Zoo.

I summarize your information into a swift explanation of why it matters, for people who might not already know everything about you.

Specializing in readability.

Customers can’t respond to an advertising offer unless they read it. I specialize in writing ad copy that people actually read. 

I do it by making it worthwhile for them to read it. I find a starting place to explain your innovation and create a trail of words that anybody can follow. 

I give visitors text that seems simple and easy to read, even if the topic is tough.

What copywriters do:

Write content with the intent of informing, educating, or inspiring an audience

Write copy to move readers to action

Research to find information, statistics, keywords, topics, and brand information

Working as a project manager, which involves ideating topics, working with other creators, writing, editing, revising, and publishing

Editing and proofreading to refine grammar, style, readability, accuracy, voice, tone, and punctuation